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Showing posts from August, 2021

Tips for downsizing your home

Our home holds a special place in our hearts. Especially if it's where our kids have grown up or where we have experienced many of life's milestones. We become connected to our space in far more than just a physical sense. Our home is where we feel safe to be ourselves and relaxed in our own skin. Where we can put on our ugliest track pants and it doesn't matter in the slightest. Inevitably though, there comes a time when our existing home no longer serves us the way it once did. A large home can go from being a place full of life and the beautiful chaos that goes with it, to a burden that constantly requires cleaning and repair, with rooms you haven't entered for months. What was once our safe space can become a weight on our shoulders. A never-ending to-do list of jobs that are always just a bit too hard to face today. It's at this point that thoughts of downsizing come to mind, instantly followed by contrasting brainwaves of doubt... "Wouldn'

Styling your home on a budget

Styling your home to increase its potential sale value doesn't have to cost a lot of money. Start with the following ideas and you will be well on your way to achieving a great result. Declutter - The first option on this list is also the cheapest and most important. You can dramatically improve the look and feel of your home by removing any unnecessary furniture, nick-nacks or just general clutter. Donate surplus items and for anything leftover, hire a storage unit if you can. Leave kitchen benches and desks clear except for one or two items. Remember: clutter eats equity! Depersonalise - Sticking with the removal theme, it's smart to remove personal items where you can so that your future buyer can imagine their family in your home. Turn on the lights - Make your rooms as bright as possible by using high-wattage bulbs throughout your home. Make sure to use warm white bulbs which give off an inviting golden tone. If they take a while to warm up, make sure you turn th

Recipes to Warm Your Home #1

The Kapiti Coast is not only a sort after location to buy property, but it is also becoming home to an ever growing array of delicious eateries and coffee hot spots. One of our personal favourites is Seriously Pickled . The owner, Lucinda Caldwell, is an absolute whiz in the kitchen and makes a wide range of scrumptious food to tantalise those taste buds, including warming soups, flavoursome salads, raw slices and her crowd favourite, the perfect cheese scone. Lucinda loves to make the most of seasonal produce and right now lemon trees around the neighbourhood are laden with fruit just screaming out to be turned into something delicious. And, so you too, can enjoy the fruits of your labour, Lucinda has created the perfect citrus treat for you to warm your home and appease that sweet tooth. Coconut and Lemon Slice  Base 125g butter, softened  1/2 cup (110g) raw sugar  1 egg  1 cup (150g) plain flour (GF if req) 1/2 cup (40g) desiccated coconut   Lemon Curd